Copyright Notice: The papers listed below have been published and the copyrights have been transferred to the respective publishers. Therefore, these papers cannot be duplicated for commercial purposes. The following are IEEE's and SPIE's copyright notice; other publishers have similar ones.
2021 | |
[17] | Combined Road Tracking for Paved Roads and Dirt Roads: Framework and Image Measurements ( ), In Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2021. |
[16] | Probabilistic Terrain Estimation for Autonomous Off-Road Driving ( ), In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021. |
2020 | |
[15] | Robust Vehicle Tracking with Monocular Vision Using Convolutional Neuronal Networks ( ), In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (MFI), 2020. |
[14] | Determining and Improving the Localization Accuracy of AprilTag Detection ( ), In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020. |
[13] | Triple-SGM: Stereo Processing using Semi-Global Matching with Cost Fusion ( ), In Proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2020. |
2018 | |
[12] | ELROB 2018 – Convoy and Mule of Team MuCAR ( ), In Proceedings of 21th International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR), 2018. |
[11] | Effective Combination of Vertical and Horizontal Stereo Vision ( ), In Proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2018. |
2017 | |
[10] | Highly Automated Driver Assistance Systems for Offroad Scenarios ( ), Chapter in Military Scientific Research Annual Report 2016, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, 2017. |
[9] | How MuCAR Won the Convoy Scenario at ELROB 2016 ( ), In Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2017. |
[8] | Hochautomatisierte Assistenzfunktionen für Offroad-Szenarien ( ), Chapter in Wehrwissenschaftliche Forschung - Jahresbericht 2016, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, 2017. |
[7] | Assistenz- und Autonomiefunktionen zur Entlastung des Fahrers in Offroad-Szenarien (Autonomous driving functions reducing the driver’s cognitive load in off-road scenarios) ( ), In at - Automatisierungstechnik, volume 65, 2017. |
2016 | |
[6] | A Fast and Accurate Image-Registration Algorithm using Prior Knowledge ( ), In Proc. Int'l Conf. on on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 2016. |
2015 | |
[5] | Sensordatenfusion bei Assistenzsystemen für militärische Konvois ( ), In Tagungsband Wehrtechnisches F&T Symposium „Assistenzsysteme“, 2015. |
2014 | |
[4] | RAS: Recursive Automotive Stereo ( ), In Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2014. |
2012 | |
[3] | Vektorielles Messen und Modellieren von magnetischer Hysterese ( ), In tm-Technisches Messen, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH Braunschweig, Germany, volume 79, 2012. |
[2] | An efficient vector Preisach hysteresis model based on a novel rotational operator ( ), In Journal of Applied Physics, volume 111, 2012. |
2009 | |
[1] | ER-Force Team Description Paper for RoboCup 2009 ( ), In Proceedings-CD (RoboCup Foundation, ed.), 2009. |